Hey, Thanks!

Hey, Thanks!

It’s Christmastime and that time of year where you gather with family and friends and all pretend to like one another for a few hours or days (or longer, if you’re in an Italian family), so we’ll oblige and pretend we like all of you for now.


The truth is, we really do genuinely appreciate your support, readership, listening and interacting. We crossed over 13 years of having this site last month and something that began as a few friends emailing each other takes about Purdue has evolved into a multi-million dollar enterprise. Well, give or take.

There are now five of us on staff here generating content (if you include Michael’s biannual posts) and we even have a few former writers floating around out there (if there were a BS coaching tree, would Teddy’s uniform tracker on Twitter be on there?).

We don’t write quite as endlessly as we did in the early days because blogsite-style sites aren’t as unique or well-read anymore. With Twitter and podcasting, people are looking to digest their content in other ways, so we’ve adapted, too. And many of you have stayed with us along the way. For that, we thank you.

Aneesh tells us we have something like 2000-3000 downloads of each podcast, which isn’t much in the podcasting world but it’s pretty impressive for something as niche as Purdue football and basketball. Again, thanks for doing that and thanks for always providing content suggestions when we put the bullhorn out on Twitter.

Enjoy your holidays, buy from Martin Vintage, eat at AJ’s and know that doing those things helps us keep the site up and maybe will allow us to produce more fun BS merch.

Have a good one and stay ever true.

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Brohm Hires Diaco...QuickCast Thoughts

What Now - Purdue Loses Another Crossroads Classic Game to Butler

What Now - Purdue Loses Another Crossroads Classic Game to Butler