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The BS Tyler Trent Fund Drive Results – $12,000 and Counting

(Photo credit: Purdue Athletics)

Tyler Trent has repeatedly shown us all how to live and how having a purpose can mean so much. We wanted to find a way to publicly support him that went beyond telling him we love him (we do) and loudly stating that cancer sucks (it does), so we began asking you all to donate to his Purdue Dance Marathon page. Tyler was also promoting it, as did radio shows and ESPN personalities. We saw it jump by $30,000 ($62k to currently $92k) in just a matter of days (a chunk due to all of you) and that was great.

Then Purdue announced the Tyler Trent Cancer Research Endowment last Sunday. We changed the links in our request for donations because that was what Tyler and his family requested and because the Walther Cancer Foundation was going to match every dollar donated to Tyler’s research endowment.

Aneesh has crunched the numbers (it involved a lot of pencil sharpening, an adding machine, and one of those green visors) and just based on the receipts and screenshots you sent us, BS readers donated at least $4,000. We had said we would match the first $1,000 donated but we upped that to $2,000 and dropped our coins in the jar over the weekend. We did so to the Tyler Trent Cancer Research Endowment so our $2,000 magically turned into $4,000 thanks to the match.

A regular reader of Boiled Sports then stepped up and said he’d like to anonymously match $2,000.

So he did that (pictured).

And I have submitted our $2,000 donation to my employer matching program to get another $2,000 lopped on top.

So our rough math:

BS readers: $4,000
BS staff: $2,000
BS anonymous benefactor: $2,000
Walther Cancer Foundation match: $2,000
Employer match: $2,000

BS Community efforts over the past two weeks: $12,000

We’re proud to be a part of something like this and thank you all for making the effort. You’re amazing and we love you. You all did something and you should feel great about it. Let’s keep it going as those year-end bonuses come in, too.