Indy Boilers ready for L'Ville in The Oil Can
Four years ago, Purdue faithful gathered as our Boilers passed through Indy on the way to play Cincinnati. The pep rally was packed...the mood was electric...the Coach was Darrell Hazell...the next day was a disaster. Purdue lost to Cincy 42-7.
The fallout was deflating...Purdue faithful believed that Hope didn't leave the cupboard that bare. I thought Purdue might win and Hazell's era would get started in a strong manner- That didn't happen...and then the next three years happened.
Earlier this afternoon, Purdue alums Angela Buchman and Kevin Gregory once again hosted a pep rally on the Circle in Indy for our Boilers...Deja Vu all over again. BUT, the food was a bit better, the attendance was lighter and the mood was more cautious.
photo credit: BDowd
Three Mikes
Mike Klipsch and Mike Berghoff gave an odd, but complimentary introduction to Bobinski...then he introduced Jeff Brohm.
It's different this time.
Hazell seemed to like the atmosphere, Brohm, while cordial and positive, seemed to tolerate it. One line summed it up, "Time for talking is over."
Other highlights included program alum, overall-clad Matt Mitrione bluntly talking about how low our expectations have dropped (earlier in the event prior to the team arriving)...and how competing for four quarters would be refreshing. He also said it'd be better than the way we've seen our Boilers give up in the second quarter (in recent past seasons).
Kirk Barron promised that the Boilers would "Hit 'em in the mouth".
I have yet to talk to a Purdue fan who thinks Purdue will win tomorrow night's game...still, most of us are excited to get the season underway. Afterall, the sooner this season begins, the closer to we are to the potential rebuild, that we've all been awaiting.
It might be a while.
I heard a rumor last night regarding Purdue's starting QB's shoulder. I cannot confirm the rumor, so I won't expound...But based on the caginess of Brohm's answers when asked about the QB situation, it would make sense that QB1 is not 100%, regardless of what his recovery has entailed thus far.
My gut tells me that we'll see Sindelar make his first collegiate start...and both Blough and Sparks will also play as Brohm throws a few interesting packages at his alma mater.
Kickoff is at 7:30, Indy time.